1 banana
4 strawberries
7 raspberries
a handful of blueberries
a mug of almond milk
the most amazing smoothie ever

Breakfast is not my forte. Don't get me wrong, I cant be without my morning latte, courtesy of my new Nespresso machine (will go into detail on how amazing that is in another post), but when it comes to shoving something solid down my throat, I just cant stomach it. For me, I need to wait at least 2 hours from waking up till I can even look at a cooked breakfast. I think this habit stems from my University days of waking up, having a quick black coffee, then doing a 2/3 mile walk to campus and not eating a solid meal till about 3.00pm... not good. So when I was given a juicer for my birthday, naturally my first thought was 'i'll never be bothered to juice everyday' yet I am actually loving it, and with it being a very slick and simple to use blender, it hasn't yet become a chore or messy ordeal.

The smoothie I’m featuring today is my morning hit of bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and almond milk; a combination of the most delicious types of fruits, and with a extremely palatable out-come. This recipe is probably my fave, as its *so* delish and easy to create, as you don't go through the effort of cutting or peeling any fruit, (with the exception of the banana, but I mean...really?) The almond milk is something I like to throw in to make the smoothie a little thinner and gives it the most amazing creamy taste; you can also try coconut milk which is amazing for your skin and your insides!! I usually tend stick to my green juice as an everyday hit of my 5-a-day (recipe post in due-course) however this smoothie is something I tend to whip up on the odd mornings when I’m off to work as its quick, delicious and feels me up till late lunch time! Enjoy